European Objects: The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization (Inside Technology) By Brice Laurent
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Brice Laurent is a Researcher at Mines ParisTech Centre de Sociologie de lInnovation Brice Laurent is a Researcher at Mines ParisTech Centre de Sociologie de l Innovation site_link How interventions based on objects including chemicals financial products and consumer goods offer a path to rethink European integration Interventions based on objects Brice Laurent claims have become a dominant path for European policy making In European Objects Laurent analyzes the political consequences of these interventions and their democratization He uses the term European objects to describe technical entities that are regulated and thereby transformed by European policies To uncover the bureaucratic and regulatory intricacies of European governance Laurent focuses on a series of these objects including food products chemicals financial products consumer goods drinking water and occupational environments Laurent argues that taking European objects seriously offers a way to rephrase the dreams of harmonization and eventually rethink the constitutional strength of European integration Laurent doesn t just clarify how European regulation works but also explores ways to realize long term objectives for European integration such as a harmonized market or an objective expertise Regulation is best understood as regulatory machinery bringing together various types of legal constraints material interventions on objects and the imagining of desirable futures Analyzing European objects enables Laurent to explore what regulation has become after years of evolution have made it a central component of the European policy world He offers practical illustrations of how the regulatory machinery functions today If Europe succeeds at reinventing the terms of its legitimacy with objects that matter for the European publics it will provide a telling demonstration that the opposition of expertise and populism is not the unavoidable fate of liberal democracies European Objects The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization Inside Technology S lo le los primeros dos cap tulos y muy por encima el tercero Toca tangencialmente tica hay un cap tulo que trabaja el principio de precauci n pero trata de analizar el rol a veces conflictivo de la dimensi n pol tica la ciencia la comitecracia y la problematizaci n cultural en la regulaci n de productos para el mercado com n europeo Suspend su lectura por un tiempo indeterminado dado que las reflexiones filos ficas econ micas que fundamentan el proceso regulatorio europeo que parecen no son actualmente de mi inter s. European Objects booking Se incluyen cap tulos sobre experiencias de regulaci n en productos para la construcci n sustancias qu micas alimentos particularmente las diferencias entre los casos del queso feta griego y el queso chipriota y energ a. EPub European objects mirror Sospecho que las reflexiones del libro podr an ser de mucha utilidad para las iniciativas de unificaci n de mercados econ micos para otras regiones particularmente Am rica Latina 9780262543330
European Objects: The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization (Inside Technology) By Brice Laurent |
0262543338 |
9780262543330 |
English |
280 |
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