Leslie caron
September North is the Young Adult fiction for mature readers side of Tonya Nagle PhD also writing fiction for many years as Cara North The first series is The Drummonds The books are Drum Fight Break New to The Drummonds The Next GenOzzyKatSophieLaurenJoJoLouHendrixJuniorLeslieStand alone Dating Wyatts MomMore to come September North is the Young Adult fiction for mature readers side of Tonya Nagle PhD also writing fiction for many years as Cara North The first series is The Drummonds The books are Drum Fight Break New to The Drummonds The Next GenOzzyKatSophieLaurenJoJoLouHendrixJuniorLeslieStand alone Dating Wyatt s MomMore to come site_link I m Leslie I got pregnant my senior year of high school I lived with my parents until recently Now I live next door to them Now my son s father knows he is the father and wants in his life and mine Only I still love Cecily too Justin has a secret of his own though and I wasn t prepared for it I wasn t prepared for Cecily to show up at my cousin s house either but she did Now things are crazy and I just need to hold on to something someone Leslie The Drummonds Book 12
Leslie (The Drummonds Book 12) By September North |
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